How to Choose Which SEO Company to Hire
With so many SEO companies out there, how can you decide which is best for you?
Determine Your SEO Needs
Some clients need to remove low quality links acquired through a black hat SEO company they hired in the past. Others may need “on-page” SEO services such as quality SEO content creation which includes keyword research, keyword optimization, effective internal linking strategies and content organization. Still others may need “off-page” SEO services such as building authoritative links, directory submissions, social media management, etc. Many clients often don’t know what type of SEO services they need or that there are different types available, but only that they are not ranking on the first page of Google and other search engines.
Evaluate Your SEO Candidates
Once you have determined your SEO needs, evaluate the integrity and track record of the SEO companies you are considering. Unfortunately, many of the frontline representatives of SEO companies you may meet are salespeople who know little to nothing about SEO. They may have learned some basic concepts and buzzwords, but are instead mostly motivated by making a commission. Seldom do they have or care to have a client’s best interests in mind. And of course, many SEO companies deliver poor results. You may want to steer clear of the SEO “Packages”…i.e. Bronze, Silver and Gold packages. Legitimate SEO should be custom tailored and priced based on your needs. It is definitely not like buying shirts (small, medium or large) from Old Navy. You may also want to avoid pricing that is unrealistically cheap…i.e. $100-$500/month for ongoing SEO plans. If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. It is also a good idea to stay away from black-hat SEO techniques such as buying thousands of inbound links for next to nothing, which can result in serious penalties from Google and other search engines.
You can do other things such as checking references, etc. What we look at, when a client asks us about XYZ SEO company are the SEO metrics for that company’s website, including DA and PA; Trust Flow and Citation Flow.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.